studio headdress series
Another fantasy headdress shoot. This one with a more tribal lookt.
Mick Eidam Photography
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Mick Eidam Photography
Born in Adelaide, Australia I went to school locally and a subject that grabbed me at an early age was photography. I mostly had "hand me down" SLR cameras with a number of not so good lenses but I persisted and found a facination with black and white photography along with developing my own film. At an early age I developed an interest in underwater photography so at the age of 15 I built my own housing from perspex. In it I had a kodak instamatic camera that was very limited but, it worked. Still got it now! I moved to the West Coast when I was 16 and within  ........Read More
Perth , Western Australia
If you have any queries or need any info about any of the styles of photography on this site including my underwater work please feel free to contact me.